Final Exams

Final examinations are held at the end of each academic term during the final exam period. Final exams are either in person or online, and are scheduled at a specific time (and, for in-person exams, in a specific location on campus). All exams follow the Faculty’s exam rules as outlined in the Academic Calendar.

Exams may be held on Saturdays or in the evenings. It is important to remember that if you make personal commitments during the final exam period, you will not receive special consideration and no special arrangements will be made in the event of conflicts resulting from personal commitments. 

Follow the links below to learn about final exams, including the rules and what to do if you are unable to write an exam.

For in-person exams, you are required to bring a valid photo ID to be able to write the exam. Visit the Academic Calendar to learn about the types of valid photo ID, including your TCard.

Exam Schedule

The April 2025 exam schedule is posted. You can also view the archived exam schedules.

Exam Toolkit

Find information and tips to help you prepare for your in-person and online exams.

Exam Rules

Find the Faculty’s rules for in-person exams on the Academic Calendar. For online exams, refer to the guidelines for final exams on the Exam Toolkit.

Exam Conflicts

Learn what is considered a valid conflict and what to do if you have an exam conflict, including conflicts due to religious observances.

Deferred Exams

Information about what to do if you are unable to attend an exam.

Exam Viewing

How to request an exam viewing appointment to verify your final exam has been marked fairly and calculated correctly. 

Exam Copy Request

How to request an electronic copy of your exam.

Exam Recheck or Reread

Your options if you believe there was a marking error in your final exam or a mathematical miscalculation of your final grade.